Meet the Bergenstreimls ......
Jomphrey Bergenstreiml is a self-identified Aspergian, and husband to Herscue. He is a bearer of gifts from the edges of humanity. He calls a spade a spade in all senses of the phrase. He loves rocks, exercise, and sound experiments involving a diverse range of conventional and unconventional instruments (including body parts). He is a fine pot stirer, and along with his daughter Humphrey, he is here to perform a complete and radical personality makeover for Herscue. Jomphrey also enjoys less popularly quoted numbers such as 37, and putting socks on his hands. There is much more about Jomphrey in the pages of When Herscue Met Jomphrey and other Tales from an Aspie Marriage.
Herscue Bergenstreiml is Jomphrey's self-identified neurotypical wife, who is having a radical makeover. She has a strong connection to Autism courtesy of her family of origin, her family of choosing, and her work life as an allied health professional and Counsellor. She is learning to embrace her family and the gifts they bear her. From her frequent trips away from the bell curve, Herscue is posing big questions like, "Why am I surrounded by Autism?" and, "What is normal anyway? And who said it is?" Herscue believes there is a journey in Autism that is bigger than us all. She feels so strongly about it, that she writes books, and now wants to blog as well. Her first book published November 2015, details her experiences living with an Aspergian husband: When Herscue Met Jomphrey and other Tales from an Aspie Marriage. She is in the process of writing another, in an attempt to answer some of those questions she keeps asking herself.
Humphrey Bergenstreiml is the one and only heir to Herscue and Jomphrey. She is a Paediatrician diagnosed person with Autism. She is a chip off the old block. Now a teenager, she loves anime, black, rock music and hair. She is an awesome bass guitarist and collects facts about musicians, like which rehab centres they have been in and what for. Humphrey wonders out loud, and sings in the shower even louder. She prefers self direction to all other types. She is learning to embrace her uniqueness, and see herself as whole as every other neurotypical teen. She teaches me something every day. And Jomphrey every second day. She appears for a chapter in When Herscue Met Jomphrey and other Tales from an Aspie Marriage. She is centre stage in Herscue's next book.
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Author Bio - Herscue Bergenstreiml