How this Blog Works:
This blog offers posts that fall under the following headings:
Once Upon an Aspie:
This is a collection of stories, reflections, learnings, feelings and whatever else emerges on the edge between neurotypical and Autism in the Bergenstreiml family. It may make you laugh, it may make you cry, it may make you angry. Such is the stirring of this big pot of neurodiversity.Dear Herscue and Jomphrey:
This is where Herscue and Jomphrey attempt to tackle the big issues (and small ones) that emerge in neurodiverse relationships, with perspectives from both sides. Issues from all types of relationships are welcome; partner, parent to child, child to child and beyond.Contact with an issue you'd like to share.
Quote of the Week:
This is a space for Aspie Quotes. Jomphrey and Humphrey are forever supplying Herscue with head shakers and jaw droppers. Some are just too good to keep in the family.Self-care Challenge:
This section provides us with some interesting suggestions for taking care of ourselves. Living in a neurodiverse family, or any family for that matter, self-care can fall to the wayside. We can forget how much even small acts can rejuvenate us and bring us back to ourselves.Top 10 with a Twist:
These top 10 lists are centred around building awareness of ourselves, our loved ones and our relationships. Some will be tongue in cheek. Some will be fun. Some will be deadly serious or disturbingly thought provoking.Subscribing to follow posts will deliver to you a weekly (or sometimes fortnightly) blog. I am sure you are familiar with the 'out of the ordinary week' when life throws a curve ball that cannot be dodged.
Alternatively, subscribing to our newsletter will deliver you my favourite snippets of the month.
When Herscue Met Jomphrey and other Tales from an Aspie Marriage:
You can learn more about it in the Frequently asked Questions too.