
As a parent trawling through the internet, hoping I might find some shortcut, some miracle cure to all of my problems of that day, I often find myself inundated with options, links, new theories, new therapies, new experts, and new voices. I often feel reminded of Autism’s inescapable ‘disability’ label, as I weed through the plethora of websites, blog pages, news articles, research papers. It is not long before I am overloaded with all the things I am not doing, should be doing and can’t find the energy to do.

These trawls frequently encourage me to label, diagnose and interfere more with the Aspies in my life. They encourage me to panic more, and feel more discontent. Then I forget that my loved ones are people. They become broken objects. They become that shirt that has a lost button, that dress with a hole, that toy with a broken wing, in a pile waiting to be fixed as life rolls on.

I want a place I can go to that will make me remember. Remember who they are, who I am and what it is really all about. I want a place to go to share my stories, my feelings, my pain and my revelations. I want a space to understand and find meaning. I want to join with others who are seeking another way to do this Autism journey. A way that remembers who we are, that remembers relationships, love and connection before labels, features and techniques. A way that honours choice, dignity, equality before imposing ideas on how to be and not be. A way that invites and includes all of our journeys as humans, not focusses purely on the narrow band of one person’s ‘dysfunction’. A way that celebrates all of life and its complexities, while acknowledging all of our human struggles.

While I love a good idea and a top 10 list as much as the next person, or an easy solution to a challenge I am having, I really just want to feel that I am OK and my family are OK as we are. I want to circumvent the anxiety I often feel as I wade through my life, and be OK with the way things are. I want life to unravel at its pace, rather than corner it, and force it into submission. While I want to be prepared for what lies ahead, I don’t want to overwhelm myself and miss what unfolds between now and whatever I am preparing for to happen (or not).

Here at the Bergenstreimls, I offer no answers or solutions. Only perspectives. I do not pretend that Autism and our relationship to it, is as simple as a list of strategies to try. Instead I offer stories, my reflections, validation and empathy. I offer a lantern as my family and I walk the Autism Path, and I share what I see there. It makes me laugh and it makes me cry. It makes me heal.

Welcome to the Bergenstreimls..................